Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well Zach, mother and I got FREE tickets to Kingdom Bound for yesterdays performances. What a blessing! We had a wonderful day of worship and fun.
Have I told you how much I love roller coasters? Well.... I love them. Zachary would not go on any with me, though. Alas, that boy is not a Rall.

Anyway! I'm heading off to bed, but I had to drop something here since it's been over a week.
Goodnight lovely people

Monday, July 27, 2009


Hello there :) It's been a while, I know. I've had the slowest 2 weeks... I had a busy beginning of summer, mostly because of "Aladdin", and now life is just so blaahh(for lack of a better word). But, you know, it's lovely to have a nice relaxing break from people, activities, and this crazy life in general. Though... I do miss interacting with people. Those two sentences were a bit contradictory, weren't they? Oh well, I think you got the idea.

Zachary left Saturday for the World Changer's mission trip to Buffalo NY, with approximately 25 other kids and leaders from youth group. Teens from youth groups all over the country are involved with World Changers. The organization sends teams to do construction and ministry projects all over the US, to help struggling communities. It's fantastic, really. I wish I had gone...

Anyways... Apparently it's going to be steamy hot tomorrow and Wednesday! I'm very much not looking forward to that. Not that I'm bad with heat, I just can't stand being sticky. Hopefully I'll be spending the majority of my time either at the beach, or in my aunt's pool. At least for the next two days :)

Well, friends. My mother is in need of assistance in preparing the evening meal. Next time I won't write a novel, don't worry ;)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Uhh. Things?

My, has it been a long time since I've written! Craziness.... I've been super busy lately. Brother and I are in the midst of preparing for a summer musical. We're doing Aladdin! I happen to have the wonderful part of Princess Jasmine. It's an interesting part I guess, but I feel like such a brat all the time :'( Zach is the evil, creepy Jafar. Fits his personality perfectly ;) Anyways...

Uhhhh... what else. Life actually seems kinda slow, even though I'm busy doing stuff. I don't really get it. Sorry, but I nothing more to say.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Day

Today it was overcast and cool. We went to Aquinah and Menemsha. In Menemsha I had the most delicious clam chowder that there ever was... Seriously, it was amazing.

I love the beach :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Martha's Vineyard

Here we are! Martha's Vineyard is a beautiful place. It's been forever since I've been here! I believe I was 3, so almost 14 years. I remember some random things about being here, oh so long ago. We're staying with some sweet friends of my grandma and grandpa.
I walked through the town and to the beach tonight with mom and Zach. Tomorrow we hit the sand and get some tanning in :D Let's hope we have sun.... haha.



Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Lord is the Treasure

A good day, today has been. Worship night at youth tonight!!! So excited :D Probably my favorite night out of the whole year at youth group. I'm leading my favorite song and I really can't wait.

..."I would run for a thousand years if I knew every step would be getting me closer. I'd swim to the ocean floor for my Lord is the Treasure, my Lord is the Treasure!"

Anyway, just wanted to share my excitement :]


Monday, June 8, 2009


My brother graduated this weekend and now I am officially the last Rall in high school. So strange.

I've been so frustrated lately with people asking me what I'm planning on doing with the rest of my life. I DON'T KNOW! Everyone is making me feel like I have to know Right Now how my life will play out, and now I'm nervous and overwhelmed about and by everything. My dad is pushing me to double up my senior year in high school and freshman year in college this fall. I can't help feeling like it's a good idea, but I really don't want to do it. Life just seems so complicated right now! I went to hear a speaker this weekend and he was saying that the Lord puts certain interests in us that He specifically wants to use. He doesn't want us doing something we don't enjoy for the rest of our lives. I don't know... I also heard from someone I really look up to that I should do something I love doing instead of just choosing something for the money I'll make. Not that I'm choosing a career just for the $$. Ugggghhhhh. Life. Oh, wouldn't it be nice to be little again!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Off to Jo-Anns!!! Fabric shopping is the best :] Making a dresssssss and a.... shirt? Yeah, let's go with that. Unfortunately I can only make like two things before I leave for Rochester TOMORROW!
I'm sitting at the kitchen table and my mom just walked in. She just sprayed perfume I'm thinking, 'cause she brought a cloud of aroma with her. She looks gorgeous, by the by. Not that there's anything new about that.
Anyway, Josh Groban is singing to me. "Believe" It's kind of a Christmas song, but heck, why can't we listen to Christmas songs in June?! We can, that's right.
Okay, I'm leaving now. Wish me 'happy shopping'. Or not.
Au revoir... <3

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gotta love the Word

These are a few of my favorite passages, and I really felt like I should put them up. So here you go...

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Jerimiah 29:11-13

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Galatians 2:20

Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14

Monday, June 1, 2009


I'm cold. Very very cold. I need an electric blanket and some hot chai tea. ='( Or something that will make me warm. Any suggestions?

I was cleaning my room and listening to Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Kris Allen, Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey a few minutes ago... But I felt like typing, soo hi.

We got an invitation to a wedding today, or maybe it was yesterday.. Anyway, it sounds pretty fabulous. Reception at 7pm with the ceremony following? No, I did not just make a mistake, that is actually how they're planning it. These two are... let's just say "special", so it's no surprise. She probably won't even be wearing a wedding dress....

Moving on. We had our concert last night! Actually we had two of them... I believe I talked about this in a previous post? Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, the first one left much to be desired. Was more like a run-through before the big one that night. At Northside in the PM, though, we sounded great! I was very happy with my solo and the two worship sets I co-led. I figured I was off the hook, solo-wise, so I sang my brains out for the rest of the concert. Little did I know that Pastor Bruce would get up on stage afterward and ask for my song again. My heart pretty much stopped. Or sped up, I don't know. But this time instead of feeling like I was 'performing' it was more like leading the congregation in worship. It was an awesome experience!
So now I want to lead worship all the time. =)

Ok, so this wasn't worth reading... at least the music was worth listening to =)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Go Dog, Go

Concert tomorrow!!! So so so nervous. I don't feel confident in my solo at all.... aaaaahhhh.
Ok ok ok.

Today we went to seabreeze :) It was super duper fun!!!!! Lots of screaming and lots of laughing. Dang I'm going to be mad if I ruined my voice for tomorrow.

Anyways. I don't have anything else to say.

Goodbye :-/

Friday, May 29, 2009


I have no idea what I'm gonna write about right now. Hopefully inspiration will hit as I type. I apologize ahead of time for anything stupid I may say.

I'm sitting on my couch, feet up, with a headache. I must have slept wrong or something... It is becoming a habit of mine, and not a good one.
So I've been craving me some Jane Austen! I want to watch Persuasion. There's something about this weather that calls for it. Must be the similarity to the weather in Bath(or wherever it was filmed).
So where was I? Oh, sitting on the couch.... staring at the huge box that contains our new television. Samsung 50" Plasma. It's actually blocking the cats food dish... Huh... probably not a good thing.


I just vacuumed the whole downstairs of my house, unloaded the dishwasher, changed into some cooler clothes and now I'm taking a break. I have to go get dinner ready in a bit and help my dad with some registration stuff.
Missing Brenna's Senior Recital. I feel bad, but I'd probably fall asleep anyway.

Tomorrow is Seabreeze day! I'm pretty excited actually. Though.... I had a very bad experience after visiting my last waterpark, which we will not mention. I pray that whatever it was will never happen to me again. Not a fun time.

I've talked a lot haven't I? Kinda like last night. I rambled quite a bit while chatting with some amazing people I know. You know who you are...
Anyways, I'll leave ya'll now. I'll be thinking of you while I'm having an incredible time at Seabreeze =]


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jen + Scissors = New hair cut!

Gettin' my hair cut todaaaay! Can't wait. I'm getting my bangs put back in and taking some of the volume out of the bottom layer. HALLELUJAH!
See... I have crazy hair. It's super uber thick and voluminous... at the bottom. The top of my head tends to be flat and wilty. You can't imagine how frustrating it is to deal with. OH! And I have a curl that does NOT cooperate with anything I try to do.
Hair is such a pain! Sometimes I consider wigs. Downside = once you get headlice you have to through it away. Can't really boil a wig, can you? I don't know... Upside = New hairstyle everyday with no hassle!!!!!!
Okay, done.

...maybe tomorrow I'll color my hair. O_o

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Calm following the Storm

I'm completely drained of emotion. I was drenched last night, as I went to bed. Good thing I wasn't wearing makeup. That would have been scary.
Oh, there's something to address. Makeup. Why do girls wear so much?? It's not good for your face, it looks completely fake and just plain BAD. I think I'll take a poll. Do guys like the caked on foundation and black black eyes, or the more natural 'mascara only' look? Hmm, aughta be quite enlightening.

So I'm super motivated today. I want to get a million things done and I want to go do something crazy. I'm thinking I'll finish my school stuff, workout, clean, go to my appointment... get my permit? That would be a shocker. I WILL do it though. Monday, next.

So I sat in the kitchen at 11:49 last night watching a mouse scurry around the stovetop. It was really cute :] But it will soon be dead. Poor little thing.

Anyway, I'm going outside to bask in God's glorious creation.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My random schedule.. in case you were interested. I wouldn't be, but hey... ya never know.

I'm such a couch potato today! But don't judge me, I don't feel too well. All I can think of is food, right now. I must be hungry? Or depressed... no I'm not depressed. Not today, at least. Anyway, I'm craving tacos and gaeng gai(that's Thai). It has been so so long since I've had thai! Gaaahh... Stuffed peppers would be good too.
I'm sorry, I just can't seem to take my mind off food very well! But I will try...

Tomorrow! I hope I have a piano lesson tomorrow instead of Thursday. Thursdays just get too busy for my liking. I will be visiting the chiropractor tomorrow :] Fabulous. And I am REALLY hoping that I'll be able to get my feet wet at the "Well" in the PM ;) We'll seeeeee.

Thursday? Dress rehearsal for the Youth Choir Project. I honestly am not looking forward to it. I've been having an awful time keeping my voice all week and I sound really crappy. Sooo my solo? Not good. Youth group will be fun though, hopefully.

Friday. Nothhhhing ALLLLL day long :D I think I'll go to bed early 'caaaauseee....

SATURDAY! SEABREEEEEZE, baby! Fun fun times with the choir chums :) Super psyched!
There is this thing that night. Called the Ska Prom, lolsss. Sounds crazy, no? I want to go actually. I kind of doubt that will happen, but ya never know. Nothing is impossible with God!

Sundaaayyy = LONNNGG day. Don't get to go to church :'( Leaving for Canandaigua NY in the AM. Performing/leading worship at a church's youth group in the afternoon. Back to Liverpool for our Concert and then CRASHING in my bed and sleeping in super late on Monday.

I'm hungry.........................................

Monday, May 25, 2009

Never Forget

Well, it is Memorial Day, folks. And it's fitting that we take a look back into history and remember all of the men and women who had a part in giving us the freedom we have today. Liberty and Justice for all.
What a great country I am blessed to live in. I hope and pray that the values our Founding Fathers built it on will not be thrown to the wind. Though it certainly seems they have. Oh, Lord have mercy on this nation.

We are going to a parade later, I believe. It should be a good time with some people we don't see very much. Still, I'm not a big fan of parades. I'll get over it though.

Well, have a Blessed Memorial Day and I'll see ya back here soon.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Adventure? Sure...

Another day has flown by and I have done nothing worth-while.
I've been such a disappointment to myself lately. I feel like I need to get out and do something adventurous! But I don't know how that'll ever happen. Oh so pessimistic...
I think a job would be helpful. And my license. Working on that. MOVING ON.

Prom yesterday! Photos photos...Jake, Jay and Rey-Rey
Whole group. Good-lookers ;)

I'm done for now.


Friday, May 1, 2009

What Not To Wear!!!

I would definitely dress terribly for a while JUST to get on this show.

I decided the other day that I need to design my own fashion pieces. I always have a picture in my head of what I want and can never find it. Sad.

Anywho, I am currently watching What Not To Wear.. so that is why I'm on this topic :) And now I want to go shopping!Ughh, fabulous...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Say What?

It's the close of another day, and my mind isn't quite at it's best... but I felt like it has been too long since I posted anything. I suppose I'll just talk a little about my life and a few of my little adventures.

Today was 88 degrees, and I personally thought that it was fabulous! I bit hot because of the sun beating down on us, but Spring is here and Summer is on it's way! Marvelous...

Well folks, Fiddler on the Roof will be performed by The Christian School of Performing Arts in one week and six days. I'm very excited, yet nervous. I am playing the eldest daughter Tzeitel. It's an interesting role. I get to portray many different emotions. I mock the old matchmaker, Yente, cry my eyes out to my father, and blissfully celebrate my engagement and marriage to Motel, the tailor. I love the role and I really hope I'll do well with it. =)

(I'm watching an odd movie called "The Time Machine"... Very silly movie, and weird. Really weird. Anyway, sorry... completely random.)

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow with much anticipation. We have church and then I'm going to the zoo with some friends. Let me just say, the zoo is amazing. And I really cannot wait to see the monkeys :D I'm just like a little kid, lol. In the evening I'll be heading off to church again for ACCESS. A young adult service/coffee house. Fun-filled day!

This... is what we Greek crazies look like on Greek Easter:

~Zacharias, Jocelynne, Eleni~

I'm thinking I need to get some of my friends on here so I'm not just talking to myself(and 'Eirene', of course).
Anyways, I'm out of things to say. I really suck at this, hah...
So, until next time! Toodle-Pip :]

Thursday, April 9, 2009


"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap" ~Carrie Snow

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A day in the life....

The day is ending and I am celebrating the close of this beautiful one by watching Australia.

I had a reasonably pleasant enough day.
My gorgeous niece came to visit, with her mother, of course. Little peanut is so happy, all the time. She growls now. It's a two-voiced monster, actually. She got it from me ;)

My sister made Bubble Tea for me, a favorite beverage of ours. Black tea with milk and giant tapioca beads :) Try it sometime.

There it is. Doesn't that look delicious?

Anyway, I don't have anything interesting to talk about. Hopefully the next time I'm on I'll be inspired with something worth saying.