Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My random schedule.. in case you were interested. I wouldn't be, but hey... ya never know.

I'm such a couch potato today! But don't judge me, I don't feel too well. All I can think of is food, right now. I must be hungry? Or depressed... no I'm not depressed. Not today, at least. Anyway, I'm craving tacos and gaeng gai(that's Thai). It has been so so long since I've had thai! Gaaahh... Stuffed peppers would be good too.
I'm sorry, I just can't seem to take my mind off food very well! But I will try...

Tomorrow! I hope I have a piano lesson tomorrow instead of Thursday. Thursdays just get too busy for my liking. I will be visiting the chiropractor tomorrow :] Fabulous. And I am REALLY hoping that I'll be able to get my feet wet at the "Well" in the PM ;) We'll seeeeee.

Thursday? Dress rehearsal for the Youth Choir Project. I honestly am not looking forward to it. I've been having an awful time keeping my voice all week and I sound really crappy. Sooo my solo? Not good. Youth group will be fun though, hopefully.

Friday. Nothhhhing ALLLLL day long :D I think I'll go to bed early 'caaaauseee....

SATURDAY! SEABREEEEEZE, baby! Fun fun times with the choir chums :) Super psyched!
There is this thing that night. Called the Ska Prom, lolsss. Sounds crazy, no? I want to go actually. I kind of doubt that will happen, but ya never know. Nothing is impossible with God!

Sundaaayyy = LONNNGG day. Don't get to go to church :'( Leaving for Canandaigua NY in the AM. Performing/leading worship at a church's youth group in the afternoon. Back to Liverpool for our Concert and then CRASHING in my bed and sleeping in super late on Monday.

I'm hungry.........................................

1 comment:

  1. you def should be at the well tomorrow, its where Jesus met the woman, and surely you will meet him there too! Oh, and Ska Prom! Jesus is everywhere so you can chill with him at Funk N' Waffles too:-D Nothing is impossible with God!
